
Testimonials V1

Striving to provide the best, out of the box, artificial intelligence solutions for small business.

Testimonials V2

How it works

  • Email files are exported from mailbox as EML, PST, OLM, EDB, EMLX or other file types.
  • Email files and their attachments are packaged and securely ingested through an encrypted pipeline to AWS cloud.
  • Files and attachments are tagged and placed into their S3 folders, respectively. They await data cleanse.
  • Emails are fetched from raw storage to begin cleansing process.
  • All personally identifiable information (PII) is removed.
  • Email signature data such as phone numbers, company logos, and redundant email addresses are removed.
  • Chain duplicates are removed so there aren't redundant answers.
  • Cleaned email data is sent to ebase.ai learning model.
  • Emails and attachments are sent through ebase.ai's Auto Learn Model.
  • The Auto Learn Model encodes the information for information retrieval.
  • The model puts the encoders into an index neatly.
  • As questions are submitted, they hit the Model Endpoint, which encodes the question for match in the index.
  • This allows information retrieval based on the users natural semantics, instead of keyword search.
  • User submits question through ebase.ai web application.
  • Question is sent to REST API via secure connection.
  • Question hits Model Endpoint for encoding.
  • Top 10 results are displayed in "most confident" order for user to view.
  • User is then allowed to thumbs up/thumbs down results to continuously train the model for better and better results over time.