Understand how people use your site

Proin ac quam et lectus vestibulum blandit. Nunc maximus nibh at placerat tincidunt. Nam sem lacus, ornare non ante sed, ultricies fringilla massa. Ut congue, elit non tempus elementum, sem risus tincidunt diam, vitae sodales diam ipsum vitae purus.

All in a sleek and clear dashboard

Proin ac quam et lectus vestibulum blandit. Nunc maximus nibh at placerat tincidunt. Nam sem lacus, ornare non ante sed, ultricies fringilla massa. Ut congue, elit non tempus elementum, sem risus tincidunt diam, vitae sodales diam ipsum vitae purus.

The only analytics tool you'll ever need

Easily integrates with your favorite services

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Per month, billed annually
8 Team members
48 MB Upload size
Military grade server protection
All dashboard features
Priority support
Custom analytics filters
API and webhook access
Per month, billed annually
Unlimited members
Unlimited Upload size
Military grade server protection
All dashboard features
Priority support
Custom analytics filters
API and webhook access
Per month, billed Monthly
8 Team members
48 MB Upload size
Military grade server protection
All dashboard features
Priority support
Custom analytics filters
API and webhook access
Per month, billed Monthly
Unlimited members
Unlimited Upload size
Military grade server protection
All dashboard features
Priority support
Custom analytics filters
API and webhook access

Frequently Asked Questions

Download Full Product Sheet
Where is ebase.ai hosted?
Is this just for my inbox, or a group of inboxes?
What about sensitive information that might be within our emails?
How can I control user access?
How do I input email files?
Is ebase.ai secure?
Who has access to our emails?

Wish you can duplicate your best engineer?

Every small business has that one engineer who knows everything and keeps the business afloat.
ebase.ai encapsulates this knowledge for query to allow others to get up to speed quickly.  

Don't let your business reply on just a few people.
Book a demo yourself with our self scheduler