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Wish you can duplicate your best engineer?

Every small business has that one engineer who knows everything and keeps the business afloat. encapsulates this knowledge for query to allow others to get up to speed quickly.  

Don't let your business reply on just a few people.
“ allowed my employees to learn from our main engineer, without using his time. Ultimately making us faster."
Luca Pagni
Cy.Pag. S.p.A.
Read the Case Study

AI Designed and Built for Manufacturing.

Manufacturing Focused. is a email knowledge base that was created for manufacturing by request. We understand that most manufacturing companies need assistance in decentralizing knowledge.

Empowering Small Business

Small business is an underserved market, and it's not fair. We believe that small businesses should have the same access to cutting edge technologies that enterprise companies have. We've taken the liberty to provide just that with

Striving to provide the best, out of the box, artificial intelligence solutions for small business.

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